
Paper Shredding Finally Made Easy


In business, certain documents need to stay private. Confidentiality is often important to avoid incidents of identity fraud and theft, among many other reasons. Similarly, you may need to shred some personal documents in order for you and your families to keep your personal data in safe hands. That’s where we come in, concerned with helping you stay safe and committed to quality service.

We offer paper shredding services unique to other companies; passionate about delivering an exceptional customer experience. We are a document destruction service that allow for you to monitor us shredding your paperwork, through our on site shredding options. CCTV, set up by us, gives business people the ability to observe our destruction process. In accordance with current Australian legislation, all businesses must guarantee that employee, contract and other confidential information is kept safe.

This service, structured to please and aid businesses at each end of the spectrum, small or large, is extraordinary in that our clients have the opportunity to view the destruction of their documents. How it works is that we drive to the business’ location in one of our specially designed vehicles. Each vehicle is fully able to fulfill your shredding needs; fully stocked with our top of the line shredding equipment. One of iShred’s specialised vehicles, which are equipped with shredding equipment, will attend your place of business to securely and effectively destroy your documents. If you want, you can view this process taking place through our fitted CCTV system.

Gone are the days of trying to use those pesky office shredding machines. These overheat quickly, create mess and often expose the documents that the process is trying to conceal throughout. Now, businesses and individuals alike can have one less thing on their plate, by investing in professional paper shredding, they are investing in their future. Ishred can help you with any shredding solution you may have. Contact Us here.

paper shredding

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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