
Residential Document Destruction – Tidy House, Tidy Mind

Residential Document Destruction – Tidy House, Tidy Mind

Is your paper situation getting out of hand at home after months of remote work and schooling? Residential Document Destruction is the solution.

You’ve probably heard of our document destruction services before. We visit businesses who have accumulated large piles of documents filled with sensitive information and help destroy them. This keeps businesses and their clients safe from fraud while helping them comply with Privacy Act provisions.

However, what a lot of people don’t know is that we help more than just businesses! Our well-priced residential document destruction service aims to keep households organised and secure, creating spaces that are ideal for productivity.

Getting You Organised!

Throughout the year, households get swamped with bills, receipts, letters, and other documents that can easily turn into a stress-inducing mess if not controlled. To keep your home running at peak performance, we can visit your address to help get rid of the chaos in one fell swoop. iShred are experts and can offer storage advice and systems to harmonise your home, while our shredders will instantly destroy everything you don’t need. And fret not, all shreddings, which are rendered completely unusable, are recycled!

Residential Document Destruction
Regular Visits or Once a Year 

You can customise your service to match your needs. If you run a home business, or have numerous affairs producing lots of documents, you can book a regular service (weekly, fortnightly, monthly). If you want a big, once-off cleanout, one-time bookings are also very welcome! You can alter your visitation schedule as you see fit. 

Storage Bins and Boxes to Keep Your Home Tidy! 

To help sort your documents, we can leave behind secure storage bins or boxes. These are a great way to stay on top of organisation until our next visit. Put in anything you want destroyed to make your next shredding session a breeze! 


Our residential document destruction service will take the pressure off organising your space, allowing you to concentrate your energy elsewhere. Keeping a tidy home – for good!

Contact iShred today to book your session and get ready for 2021! 

Residential Document Destruction Melbourne

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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