April Community Shred Day

Ensure that your unwanted documents are safely and securely destroyed by attending iShred’s April Community Shred Day – Saturday 21st April 2018.

Our Saturday Community Shred Days are a great opportunity for those who can’t find time during the week to come down and get their documents destroyed for as little as $10 per bag* . If you’re clearing up old paperwork, destroying hard drives or just need to clean up the office, come on by to our shred day and have those destroyed on the spot.


Where? 5 / 7 Samantha Court, Knoxfield VIC

When? Saturday 21st April, 2018

Time? 9:00am to 1:00pm

iShred - April Community Shred Day

Wondering what can be securely destroyed at iShred’s April Community Shred Day?

  • Bank Statements
  • Digital Hard Drives
  • USB sticks
  • Mobile Phones
  • Obsolete Brochures / Stationary / Files
  • Receipts and Invoices
  • Bulk Mail
  • Credit Card Offers
  • Tax Records
  • Cancelled or voided cheque books
  • Credit Card bills or Credit Reports
  • Financial Records
  • Documents with names, addresses, phone numbers and/or email addresses
  • Personnel Records
  • Uniform Destruction


iShred April Community Shred Day – Saturday 21st April

Stay up to date with upcoming Community Shred Days and latest news by liking our Facebook page or checking out our Upcoming Events page.


*Prices indicated are for typical domestic shopping bags or small boxes, larger quantities are acceptable at additional charges.






For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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