About iShred

Secure Destruction Services

iShred Secure Destruction Services provides an On Site document shredding facility throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan Area.

Our Mission Statement is to provide our customers with a cost-effective, secure method of document destruction, providing solutions to minimise the risk of sensitive information being misused or mis-appropriated and ensuring that a high-quality service is undertaken for all stakeholders.

Our business is modelled with the objective to eliminate the risk of interference from outside parties obtaining the sensitive information of your business, your clients, your applicants. In short, we develop a solution that removes the risks and maintains compliance with the New Reforms of the Privacy Act 1988 for your business.

melbourne document shredding
iSigma Logo formally NAID
The business has invested in the latest computer – mechanical technology from North America, and unlike other established document destruction businesses, we have invested and will continue to invest in this technology, which will provide you the confidence in allowing us to undertake our part in protecting your business.

The business complies with the iSigma (formally known as NAID) Membership criteria. This identifies not only the professionalism of the business, but the integrity, the commitment and standards in providing document destruction services.

Our Customer Service Representatives are available to answer all your questions and tailor a solution for your business.

Call us at 1300 763 688 or email [email protected].