CD Destruction – Not Just Paper

Is all of your music now digital? Still have old CDs taking up space? iShred can safely and securely perform CD Destruction.

CD destruction isn’t just for your music CDs. Any CD that has data on it (documents, images, and such) can be destroyed. All you need to do is remove the plastic cases beforehand. It’s time to clear up some space for yourself in a safe and secure manner.

Not just limited to CD destruction

You can also destroy flash drives and portable drives… even x-rays. And while you’re at it, why not clear away your general clutter? iShred has specialised in document destruction for years. Don’t hold onto old newspapers, magazines, promotional material, and schoolbooks. Safely destroy your bank statements, backdated financial documents and other sensitive information as well.

CD Destruction

Make safety your priority

You can never be too safe in today’s world. Too often, confidential information falls into the wrong hands and is used for malicious purposes. iShred is i-Sigma approved and performs all tasks under CCTV monitoring. By using a professional service for the destruction of CDs and other e-media materials, you will be complying with the latest Privacy Act provisions. You will receive a document destruction certificate upon completion of the job, and peace of mind knowing your private information stays private.

Do what’s convenient for you

You can choose when you have the service, onsite or offsite. Be it fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly, you will save yourself and your company money. Doing the job yourself may prove more costly with maintaining equipment and disposal costs. You can even keep iShred’s secure storage bins on your premises between visits. With a professional service, you know everything is being done right.

Take care of the environment

When you choose iShred’s professional service to take care of your shredding, you can be sure it’s an environmentally friendly solution. All shredded paper will be transformed into other paper products. Furthermore, xrays and e-media disposed correctly reduces chemicals and other waste that can impact the environment.


Make some much-needed space for yourself, while protecting your private information from prying eyes. Book a service with iShred today.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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