
Christmas Shredding Services – What Can I Shred?

With the mad Christmas rush upon us, it’s important that you look to clean out your office or home before Christmas with Christmas shredding services.

If there’s a huge clutter of mess just sitting there in front of you, it can be understandably difficult to know where to start. Fortunately, this article will guide you through exactly what you should be looking to shred with Christmas shredding services over the Christmas period.

From envelopes to Christmas cards and wrapping paper (maybe even that annoying Christmas sweater from grandma), we’ll help you start the new year afresh and clear of clutter.  It pays to look for great Christmas shredding services to get ready for the holiday season.

Christmas Shredding Services


Commonly overlooked, envelopes are one thing you should definitely be shredding around the Christmas period. With seemingly everyone and their dog sending you a Christmas card, these envelopes can start to pile up as well.

Unfortunately, most people make the mistake of simply putting these in the rubbish or recycling bin. The problem here is that these envelopes typically contain your address and other personal information, which could prove harmful in the wrong hands. Undoubtedly the safer alternative here is to shred these and eliminate any unwanted risks.

Christmas Cards

If you don’t have a dedicated place to store them in your home or office, Christmas cards are another option that need to be shredded. Whilst you may feel a bit guilty for doing so, it is simply a much better alternative than the recycling or rubbish bin if you need to get rid of them.

Just like with the envelopes, this is largely because of privacy reasons. There is no harm in taking extra precautions in today’s age and shredding anything with your personal information represents a good start.

Wrapping Paper

Whilst the right wrapping paper can definitely make a gift look better, it doesn’t do anyone favours sitting on a big pile on top of your desk. An excellent way to declutter your personal space in time for the new year is by simply shredding used wrapping paper. This is also a much more environmentally-friendly alternative than just throwing it in the trash like most people will do.

Unwanted Christmas Gifts

So, you’ve received your third ugly Christmas sweater from grandma in 3 years or another set of ‘colourful’ Christmas socks from that cousin you rarely see? You don’t need that negativity in your life. Shred them just like the other documents with iShred’s Christmas shredding services and just hope it doesn’t come up at the next family reunion.


If you are heading into the Christmas period and need to clear out some of the clutter for a fresh start in the New Year, contact iShred today for more information.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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