Failing to protect a customer’s sensitive data can be catastrophic for your business. So let’s take a look at the basics of construction industry shredding.
Think of the personal information contained within plans, quotes, contracts and design specifications. It’s the sort of information that, in the wrong hands can wreak havoc, which is why construction industry shredding protocols are so important.
There’s no use storing sensitive data safely & securely, only to fail a client when it comes to its destruction, many years later. The way construction industry shredding is performed has legal ramifications. The onus is on you as a business to be vigilant at every stage of the document lifecycle.
To avoid the risk of a security breach, you’re better off implementing best practice protocols from the outset. This means choosing a company that is NAID-approved, and specialises in the secure destruction of hard copy documents, as well as digital storage devices such as hard drives.
Few businesses realise they are required by law to verify their document destruction service providers are complying with regulatory requirements. Part of the NAID membership process requires document destruction service providers to demonstrate compliance, so NAID members are, in effect, pre-approved. This means they can start securely destroying sensitive data straight away. There’s no delay whilst you wait for verification.
For businesses within the construction industry, you’ll also need to consider the secure disposal of uniforms. Placing old uniforms, or uniform items with your company logo on it, in a regular waste bin could pose a real threat. If proper destruction protocols are not observed, criminals, posing as former employees, may be able to access large volumes of your client’s sensitive data.
iShred destroys sensitive data both on and off site, and guarantees full monitoring of all shredding activity. We provide your business with a certificate indicating document destruction has been performed in accordance with regulatory requirements.
You can’t afford to put your customer’s sensitive data at risk, so call iShred Onsite Document Destruction Melbourne and let us do the hard work for you.