
Deceased Estate – Managing the Tough Stuff Securely

It can be one of the hardest times in your life, losing someone you care about, and managing a deceased estate can become overwhelming.

When you have someone in your life who passes away, planning the next steps can be difficult. From deceased estate and will management to last bequests, there are a lot that needs to be considered – often in only a short amount of time.

We know that handling a deceased estate can be a daunting task. Account management, document organisation, maintaining privacy, potential property sales, and more… the list really can feel endless.

Our goal is to offer you a streamlined and professional approach to managing the obsolete and often very personal paperwork that come with a deceased estate. We can help you with various services surrounding managing private files and documents, to ensure that the highest level of security is offered for the destruction and shredding of personal information.

Deceased Estate

Many of our clients choose our services for the level of professionalism that they receive from our team, along with the feeling of security that they are left with. They know that we can manage all of our document destruction services onsite, meaning no transportation of documents is required. It is also one less thing they need to do.

A lot of people are unaware of the potential risks involved in simply taking storage files to their local waste centre or disposing of them in the recycle bin – by doing so it is open to potential document mismanagement as well as presenting opportunities for identity theft through old bank statements, super details, passport files and more.

At iShred, we offer tailored, simple solutions for all of our clients – our document management solutions are held to the highest standards. When it comes to managing a deceased estate, we can ensure that document security needs are taken care of.

To ensure the secure destruction of deceased estate documents and e-media, contact the team at iShred today. Let us take some of the stress off your hands.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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