Secure onsite destruction is not just for paper – it is just as important to have good digital media destruction practices.
If privacy is important to you then digital media destruction is essential. Even small devices need to be disposed of carefully, as failing to protect sensitive information can have disastrous consequences. From identity theft, manipulation and utilization of sensitive client and business data, to unauthorized access to internal system – the threat caused by not handling your digital media destruction effectively is a very real one.
This practice is often accidentally overlooked by companies who believe that the older forms of data destruction, like paper shredding, are all they need to do to comply with Australian Privacy laws. Unfortunately, this is not the case and breaches of the Privacy Act 2012 can result in hefty fines of up to $1.7 million dollars.
Major breaches and flaws are often digitally created by outside malicious hackers and any people or organizations with ill intentions toward your business, and this can be worse than ever thought possible.
The effective use of an outside digital media destruction service can be both inexpensive and invaluable to ensure the integrity of your business, and the continued loyalty of existing clients. It can also be a strong influencing factor in winning new clientele.
The knowledge that you are a progressive, digitally aware and secure organization paints you in an extremely professional and advanced light that can be the edge over your competitors.
iShred our digital media destruction services are tailored to your businesses individual needs and requirements, ensuring a complete, secure and cost-effective end to end solution. Our destruction methods can be viewed by you to ensure compliance with all relevant laws, but also aid in providing you with the peace of mind that your sensitive information will never fall into the wrong hands.
We welcome you to contact one of our friendly and professional experts for a no-obligation discussion to help answer any questions or queries you may have on 1300 763 688 today or
via our website.