Disposing of X-Rays – Medical Destruction Services

It isn’t something that people think about in depth but Disposing of X-Rays doesn’t mean simply throwing them in your household bin.

Disposing of x-rays should be done by professionals. There are negative environmental impacts of x-rays in landfill. It’s best not to add them to your ordinary household waste. Instead, get them securely and safely destroyed.

Why are x-rays bad for the environment?

There are a few reasons why disposing of x-rays should be done carefully.

Firstly, a by-product of traditional x-rays are lead foils. Lead is a deadly neurotoxin. In the environment, lead waste is held in the topsoil. It can remain there for up to 2000 years. While there, it is readily absorbed by plants and thereafter enters our food system.

Secondly, photographs taken during the x-ray are chemically cured. The chemicals used in the curing process, along with fumes released, are not good for the environment.

Disposing of X-Rays

Use a professional shredding service

Some professional shredding services know how to process x-rays safely, and this is one of those things that is best left to the professionals. You can’t get more environmentally friendly than this!

And it doesn’t just stop at x-rays. You can dispose of all your old financial documents, receipts, newspapers, schoolbooks, and such with iShred. Even CDs, DVDs, flash drives, portable drives, old uniforms – everything that you don’t need. Why have clutter in your home or business?

It’s all about convenience and safety

You can choose the frequency at which you have this NAID-approved service – monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and so on. There is both onsite and offsite shredding, and you can keep secure iShred bins on your premises to make everything easier between services.

All shredding activity is monitored by CCTV and you receive a certificate after it’s done. Measures will be taken to ensure your private information never gets to prying eyes. If you’re using this as a business, it will help you comply with the latest Privacy Act provisions.

Do your bit to keep the environment safe, while easing up on clutter. Prevent your confidential information from being accessed by questionable parties. Book with iShred now.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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