Five Steps to a Paperless Office

There’s no doubt the trend is for workplaces to go digital. While a completely paperless office can seem daunting, a good plan makes it possible.

The benefits go beyond environmental. A paperless office can be more efficient, secure and adaptable. To accept the challenge and make it as streamlined as possible, here is a how-to guide to make the change for your business.


Don’t go ahead and start shredding paperwork until you have the ability to store that information elsewhere. Consider your current technology resources and whether you are equipped to collect, store and manage the data you need. You may require updates or upgrades to make a paperless office achievable.

Paperless Office


The best technology and equipment will be meaningless unless the people using it are properly trained. If you already    have a culture of operating digitally, it may be a case of just ensuring staff are consistent in how they do this. For other businesses, this may involve a more comprehensive induction. Ensuring staff are adequately trained can prevent costly and time-consuming errors during the transition.

Paperless Office


More relevant for some businesses than others, security of information is vital to protecting your customers and the integrity of your business. Ensure your security and back-up systems are sufficient for your business needs.


Transfer of Data

When you are ready to move away from relying on physical documentation, approach the transition and data transfer in an organised and timely manner. Establish a plan for how this will happen and ensure all staff are aware of the process and deadlines.

Secure Document Destruction

Once you are confident your systems for data collection and storage are operating effectively you can now address the disposal of the physical documents and data. Privacy and confidentiality regulations make it vital that you dispose of this material in a secure and safe manner. The best way to do this is by engaging a professional document destruction company who can provide a certificate of disposal once the task is completed.


Ensure your business is current and competitive. Embrace the paperless office trend and enjoy the benefits.

If you have documents or e-media that require secure disposal, contact iShred today.  We’ll help you in your journey to a paperless office!

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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