Secure Hard Drive Destruction Melbourne – Staying Safe from Identity Theft

Good practices with regard to hard drive destruction are more important than ever!

There has been a lot of talk lately with regard to online security, threats, and identity theft.

If you’re not sure why hard drive destruction is important, ponder this.  How often do you see old computers on people’s front lawns, awaiting hard rubbish collection?  Or hear of people selling second hand computers, or losing hard drives that have been removed for upgrades?

These, and many other scenarios, are all examples where people may leave vital personal information available to strangers.  In the wrong hands, information such as financial records, addresses, medical history and personal information can have catastrophic consequences.

Just as we know to shred paper documents, bank cards and CD’s that contain personal information, hard drives can be a hidden goldmine for identity thieves!

Consequently, at iShred we are passionate about keeping Victorians safe from such threats.  We advocate for the thorough destruction of all sensitive material, including hard drive destruction.

iShred specialises in providing a tailored document and electronic data destruction service that allows all businesses to comply with current legislation and ensure that the client, employee and confidential business information is kept secure at all times.

Our focus here is on hard drive destruction, yet it is advisable to securely destroy all e-Media, such as:

  • Hard drives
  • Old server drives
  • CD’s, DVD’s & Blu-Ray Discs
  • Tapes and other recorded devices
  • USB Flash Drives
  • Mobile Phones

iShred make it easy for you to securely and confidentially destroy e-Media at our place or yours!  We can come to you and destroy your electronic digital media right in front of your eyes, and give you a certificate of destruction afterwards!

For more information about how iShred can securely destroy your business or personal hard drives, contact us today on 1300 763 688.



Hard Drive Destruction Melbourne

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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Protecting yourself from Identity Theft with iShred

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