Home Office Document Destruction

Home Office Document Destruction  

During these unprecedented times, more and more people are working from home. It’s absolutely vital to use a secure home office document destruction service.

Not just limited to the professional workplace, you can also benefit from a home office document destruction service. No one wants to have stacks of unwanted documents clogging up their work area. Plus, you get the added safety of making sure your documents never get in the wrong hands.

Is it limited to paper documents?

No! Home office document destruction can be used to clear up your hard copy documents as well as electronic files. Tax documents, bank statements, old paperwork, school books, notepads, newspapers, magazines and junk mail can be easily destroyed and disposed of. Add to this CD’s, DVD’s and hard drives – any electronic document that’s not needed – and you’re basically sorted.

Home Office Document Destruction

When can I have this done?

We can easily come to your home on a regular basis. Depending on your needs, you can have this service fortnightly, monthly or half yearly. We can even help your keep documents safe between visits – archive boxes and storage containers can be arranged if you so need.

How safe it it?

We’re a fully secure on-site document shredding service in Melbourne. We can help you and your company comply with current Privacy Act provisions. There’s full monitoring of shredding activity and onsite bins are left behind. You can rest assured knowing it’s a high quality service. You’ll be provided with a document destruction certificate. Your paper documents will be shredded without any possibility of reconstruction. Meanwhile there will be no traces left of your electronic documents. There’s no risk of sensitive information getting into the wrong hands.

Is it safe for the environment?

Absolutely. 100 percent of paper shredded will be recycled into other paper-based goods. Cardboard boxes, egg cartons, toilet paper – the list goes on, but you can be sure nothing is wasted.

Working from home means your paper and electronic documents are going to pile up. Contact iShred for all your document destruction requirements.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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