No matter what type of business or industry you’re in, a professional document destruction service is invaluable. They know How to Dispose of Old Paperwork.
Need to get rid of clutter? Or guard against identity theft? You may think you know how to dispose of old paperwork, but your best bet is to use a professional document destruction service. It is the surefire way to save time and money, and keep your business safe.
Clear all types of documents
Professional document destruction teams know how to dispose of old paperwork. Banking and other financial information, customer details, receipts, and the like should be disposed of regularly so that information doesn’t fall in the wrong hands. And clearing general clutter is beneficial to everyone. Old newspapers, magazines, and school books take up a lot of space. It’s also good to remember that it’s not just hard copy documents that can be destroyed. Hard drives, CDs, flash drives, and other electronic documents should also be disposed of properly.

Choose the frequency of decluttering and stick to it
Depending on the volume of material you have to throw out, you can choose weekly, fortnightly, quarterly, or half-yearly services to get the job done. iShred provides both onsite and offsite document destruction and can leave secure or purpose-designed bins onsite by request.
True professionals don’t cut corners
iShred can help your company comply the latest Privacy Act provisions. Your documents will be shredded beyond recognition leaving it impossible for anyone to reconstruct them.
It’s good for the environment
100 percent of paper that is destroyed by iShred is recycled into other paper products – so you’re helping the environment and contributing to the creation all kinds of paper items. Now that’s something!
Whichever line of business you’re in, and whether you work for a company or have a home business, disposing of old paperwork is a must. Start clearing out your unwanted documents by getting in touch with iShred.