
Is It Time to Destroy Your Solid-State Drives

Solid–state storage devices have made storing and moving large amounts of sensitive data a practical process. With features including a long lifespan and colossal amount of storage space, solid state drives (SSD’s) are long-lasting, energy efficient, low cost and fast at processing data.

Disposing of SSD’s is an important three – step procedure, destroy, verify, and document the products. Physically destroying SSDs ensures the data is no longer attainable, is unrecoverable and the device is properly disposed of. Inside an SSD is a series of memory chips, and there are no common mechanisms to clear the chips. To achieve the entire and permanent destruction of an SSD, you will need to use our 5-millimeter iShred commercial grade shredder.

Whenever it comes to destroying sensitive data, the destruction process should be handled by professionals with expertise in SSD identification and information destruction. iShred are trained professionals in this process and ensure that no SSD is overlooked or undetected during the destruction process. The team at iShred focuses on greatly decreasing the risk of data breaches from poorly discarded SSD’s.

Once the physical destruction process is complete, it is imperative that the data is destroyed. Partial or full data breaches can occur if SSDs are discarded without the data destruction being confirmed and documented. This process also ensures the destruction process complies with the current standards. The team at iShred are experts who inspect the device remnants to ensure that nothing has been missed.

Partial or full data breaches can occur if SSDs are discarded without the data destruction being confirmed and documented. This process also ensures the destruction process complies with the current standards. The team at iShred are experts who inspect the device remnants to ensure that nothing has been missed.

Documenting the destruction process and results is the final step of the physical destruction process. This document serves as a record of the method used, ensuring all parties are aware of and in alignment with the plan. Documentation also allows auditors and regulatory bodies to verify the destruction process and follow the correct protocols and industry standards. By documenting physical data destruction processes, organizations demonstrate their commitment to handling the physical destruction of SSDs with the utmost care, accountability and transparency.

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For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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