
Office Shredding Service for Data Safety

Whether you have your own business or in charge of keeping things tidy at work, an Office Shredding Service can be indispensable.

Work is hectic and it’s easy to let everything get a little unruly. An office shredding service will help you clear out the clutter. Get rid of old and unneeded piles of paper and give yourself space to breathe and work.

Save money and time

A professional office shredding service can save money you would otherwise have to spend on a paper shredder. It’s also a huge time saver, because you and your staff won’t have to spend hours using a shredder that was never meant for big jobs anyway. Let someone else take care of it!

Plus, you get to choose how frequently you have this service done. Be it monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly; onsite or offsite, you know you will never have to deal with a messy office again. You even have the added convenience of keeping your storage bins with iShred.

Office Shredding Service

Any paper items can be shredded

Whatever paper item is taking up space, it can most likely be shredded. Financial documents, old contracts, any office documentation that is no longer needed – they can all be discarded. Even digital data can be destroyed – CDs, DVDs, portable drives, and flash drives.

Protect your business

Aside from the fact that you’re clearing up physical space, you’ll also be preventing confidential information from prying eyes. In today’s world, a person with a little know-how can use private details for malicious purposes. Protect your company by making sure no one gets their hands on information they shouldn’t be privy to.

A professional service will help your business comply with the latest Privacy Act provisions. iShred is a member of NAID and all shredding activity is monitored via CCTV. You’ll be handed a document destruction certificate upon completion.

Protect the environment

All paper shredded will be recycled into a multitude of other paper products. You’ll be keeping your carbon footprint small!


Clear out the old and make space for the new, while protecting your business. Arrange a time with iShred now.


For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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