Ongoing Document Destruction

Ongoing Document Destruction

One of the most important aspects of document destruction is frequency. While it’s good to have a massive sort-through and clear-out of documents every once in a while, having a regular, ongoing document destruction service come to your workplace is a much better way to guarantee that privacy and security is maintained at all times.

Having a pre-planned ongoing document destruction service will ensure that you and your clients as well as their customers are always protected. Often, especially during busy times, we tend to neglect some of the housekeeping aspects of running a business. We understand it’s easy to get lost in the world of what you’re passionate about and to accidentally forget the small things.

However, document destruction, if not taken care of properly and regularly, can balloon from a tiny aspect of running a business into a huge problem that could ruin your business and even land you in trouble with the law.

Ongoing Document Destruction

This is due to Australia’s strict privacy laws that demand the understanding and compliance of all companies. While a deep comprehension of these laws requires copious amounts of study, we employ experts in the field so that we can pass a simplified version of the relevant information onto you, all while ensuring that our service is always up-to-date with the latest privacy conventions.

We can work with you to analyse the size and scale of your business and amount of data generated and create a tailor-made destruction schedule with the needs of your business as the priority.

We can come weekly, fortnightly, monthly or just a few times a year – the choice is ultimately up to you! We can also provide sturdy and secure specialised bins to keep on your site to make sure that documents meant for destruction are in a safe place between our visits.

Book a regular ongoing document destruction service with iShred today so you can rest easy and get back into what you’re passionate about.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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