Paper Shredding for Individuals

Paper Shredding for Individuals

With document destruction a popular service for businesses and large corporations, document destruction and paper shredding is also a great service for individuals. Did you know that iShred also offers paper shredding for individuals and households?

A great service all year round, paper shredding for individuals provides an opportunity to destroy all personal documents with sensitivity. Providing a full range of destruction from paperwork, files, X-rays, textbooks and uniforms, there is no job too big or too small.

Not only a service available for big corporate companies, document destruction is available to come directly to your home providing the same optimum service they provide to professional corporations. Paper shredding for individuals from iShred will ensure that all documents are destroyed correctly, providing sensitivity. Keep your bins free from all the mess and avoid wasting time shredding your own paperwork.

Paper Shredding for Individuals

With individuals and households having a great deal of sensitive documents and personal information at home including bank statements, utilities bills and other documents, it is vital that secure steps are taken to destroy them. No matter if you are a corporate client or individual client, iShred Document Destruction complies with the latest Privacy Act provisions, which will ensure effective and secure method of document destruction.

Cost effective and stress free, individuals should consider paper shredding and document destruction completed by the experts. With all the pros outweighing the cons, document destruction will mean that you have one less job to complete throughout the year. Document destruction is a safe and secure method, providing a great solution to avoid high sensitive documents getting into the wrong hands and prevent identity theft.

Leaving document destruction to the experts will not only save costs buying expensive shredders, paper shredding is an eco friendly option. Avoiding landfills, paper shredding has a positive impact on the environment and document iShred make a conscious effort to recycle all documents.

Providing a fully secured onsite shredding service in Melbourne, covering all industries, iShred will provide a service like no other. With no job too big or small, the entire team from iShred takes pride in the best service for their clients no matter if it is a corporate or individual service. Leave the hassle to the professionals, contact iShred today to book your document destruction. 


For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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