Paperwork Shredding Service

Paperwork Shredding Service

Properly disposing of your personal and work documents is important for keeping information secure, and iShred’s paperwork shredding service is an efficient way of getting the job done.

Using a paperwork shredding service will ensure the safety of your information. This cost-effective and efficient service can be brought to your home or work office to destroy paperwork and sensitive materials on-site – relieving you of the time consuming task.

Documents that are no longer needed should be destroyed, because if they are not disposed of properly, your sensitive information can be compromised and used inappropriately. iShred is a reputable paper shredding service in Melbourne that provides a secure, NAID (National Association for Information Destruction) approved service, ensuring that you comply with the latest Privacy Act provisions. On-site document destruction allows you to easily fit the shredding process into your day, as you won’t need to compile all documents and transport them to a different location. iShred can also leave on-site bins behind for your peace of mind and safely store documents until your next service.

Paperwork Shredding Service

We also offer monthly Community Shred Days, if this option is better suited to your needs.

Not only is a paperwork shredding service efficient and secure, you won’t have to waste time with those little paper shredders that always seem to jam! Along with protecting your information, documents should be shredded as they can clutter your home and office and become a potential safety hazard.

iShred provides a high-quality service every time, and all shredding activity – whether it is on-site on your location or if you attend one of our Community Shred Days – is carefully monitored to further ensure the safety of your information. After all your documents are properly shredded and disposed of, a document destruction certificate will be provided as proof of proper disposal for your records. At iShred, we are aware of our impact on the environment, and all shredded paper is 100% recycled after each service.

To securely and efficiently dispose of your important documents, contact iShred for a trusted and reputable paper shredding services.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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