Professional and Secure File Shredding Services

Professional and secure file shredding services

Whether it is personal or professional, your documents hold confidential information, and using a file shredding service is the most secure way to keep that information safe from potential misuse.

Keeping track of your private information can become a task of its own – although it is an extremely important one. If not disposed of properly, this information can cause issues under the Privacy Act within your company, and even for you personally.

iShred - File Shredding Services

As file shredding is a time consuming but crucial task, a file shredding service relieves the pressure of properly destroying sensitive documents. iShred provides a secure, cost effective and high quality on-site document destruction, allowing you to keep your private documents in the office – or your personal documents at home – to reduce the risk of leaked information. On site archive bins can also be left behind, further securing your confidential information.

The on-site file shredding service is extremely convenient, as it is often hard to find time in the day to complete this time consuming, although necessary task. This service is provided to ensure that all documents are kept together and you won’t need to transport them to a separate location. In addition, iShred provides offsite document destruction, if this is a method that you prefer. All shredding services used are fully monitored, to give you peace of mind that your information is safe. Once the file shredding service is complete, all shredded paper documents will be 100% recycled.

iShred is NAID (National Association for Information Destruction) approved, meaning iShred complies with data protection regulations, and has protocols in place to ensure the security of information in all stages of the file shredding service. For your records, a document destruction certificate is provided at the end of the service to signify that your documents have been securely and properly disposed of.

iShred will relieve the stress of disposing of confidential information, in a secure, convenient and cost effective way. Contact us for our professional and secure file shredding services.

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For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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