Retail Document Destruction Melbourne – Keeping Shoppers Safe!

Give your customers the gift of confident shopping with retail document destruction!

The retail industry is stocked full with customers’ private info, so retail document destruction should be at the top of any retailer’s shopping list! Retail customers are a perfect example of how trust is put in companies to keep information private. So it is only right that retail companies ensure confident shopping with retail document destruction. Who doesn’t love a bit of retail therapy?  We certainly do! So when we step into a store and chat with staff, fill out applications for loyalty cards, lay-by items or Tap-and-Go with our credit card, it is an exchange of highly sensitive personal information that should be given great respect. While it’s safe to say that a lot of this information won’t fall into the wrong hands, there is never a guarantee.  So this is where good privacy and secure data practices come into play. If you are a retailer, you have an obligation to make sure that your customers are safe long after they exit your store.  They trust you with their private information, a trust that carries across the industry, and it is important that this trust is warranted. This is especially crucial in stores where there are often young, inexperienced or casual workers. It is important that retail staff are frequently recording, filing and accessing information and then safely destroying expired data. If you keep any physical records at all, secure retail document destruction practices are the way to keep your loyal customers safe! The kinds of sensitive documents that you might find within the retail industry are:

  • Names, addresses, phone numbers
  • Purchase history
  • Future orders / items on hold
  • Lay-bys
  • Family information, depending on the type of store
  • Complaints and consumer interaction records
  • Email records
  • Phone recordings and customer call centre records
  • Employee information, including rosters, contact details, job applications and resumes
  • Personal information and preferences recorded as part of loyalty schemes

iShred can help you with all of your retail document destruction needs.  We can come to you and help you deal with your retail records securely onsite, and even provide your business with secure bins to store sensitive data. If you have a centralised call centre or head office, we can even take it to the digital level, helping you securely destroy any e-Media that is no longer in use, or filled with out-dated data. And if you have a change of uniform, iShred can securely destroy your old uniforms – a great way to guarantee consistency of branding when you have a larger company with multiple outlets! Contact iShred today to discuss retail document destruction, and let us take the hard work out of keeping your customers and business safe!

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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