Saturday Document Shredding Specials for December

iShred’s December Document Shredding Specials

Needing to have your Private Information securely destroyed?

Come by to iShred – Secure Onsite Document Destruction – to securely and safely destroy those sensitive documents and files for as little as $10 per bag*.

5 / 7 Samatha Court, Knoxfield VIC

Saturday December 3rd 2016 – 9:00am to 1:00pm

Saturday December 10th 2016 – 9:00am to 1:00pm

Old Bank and Credit Card Statements, Receipts, Paperwork that shouldn’t fall into the wrong hands. During the Month of December, collect those papers and come to:

5/7 Samatha Court, Knoxfield VIC

On the days during December, iShred Secure Onsite Document Destruction will destroy those sensitive documents from as little as $10.00* per bag On Site with the latest technology from North America.

On every purchase you will receive a Certificate of Destruction.


Become of iShred’s customers in December and be in the running to win iShred’s Our Prizes for iShred’s Client of the Month! Prizes include:

  • 2x Gold Class Movie Tickets or
  • $50 Coles Group Voucher or
  • $30 JB HiFi Voucher or
  • $50 Woolworths Group Voucher or
  • $30 Bunnings Voucher.

It could be you….


* Prices indicated are for typical domestic shopping bags or small boxes, larger quantities are acceptable at additional charges
document shredding specials

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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