Secure Document Destruction for Real Estate Agents

Secure Document Destruction for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, you play the middleman (or middle woman) between the seller and the buyer. It is up to you to represent your client’s best interests in a way that is professional and confidential. As a result, you may be in possession of sensitive documents. Privacy laws often protect these documents, which is why a compliant document destruction policy should be integral to your business.

From open houses to appraising property values, you gather plenty of information about prospective clients.  Using this information, an outside party may find it easy to profile your clients or in the worst-case scenario, commit identity fraud.

That is why you should keep your documents secure. You are possessions of confidential client records including sales agreements, financial information, loan applications and contact details. You may also have confidential architectural and legal documents. Most clients want to keep details of a sale confidential until a property is settled. Therefore, protecting your client’s privacy goes hand in hand with upholding your company’s reputation.

You also possess other sensitive information pertaining to your own business. This includes employee records, payroll records and tax records.

Here is a list of information that you should keep and dispose of securely:

–       Bank account information

–       Client’s personal information including contact details

–       Client list

–       Credit card

–       Insurance policy information

–       Job applications

–       Rental agreement

–       Sales agreements

Your State’s laws will dictate how long you have to hold on to this information. It is important to check this or you will be in breach of the Data Protection Act. A secure document disposal service can help you keep your sensitive documents safe. It is a small price to pay for your peace of mind. Our professional and discreet employees will help you dispose of your documents quickly and efficiently.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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