Secure Document Disposal for your Business

secure document disposal

Secure document disposal is important for every business to consider. Protection from fraud, and securing confidential files are a crucial part of running a successful business. These document disposal tips will help you identify security issues and help you keep your documents and business safe.


Practising secure document disposal can save you from the costs and hassle of fraud and leaks of confidential information. Having your documents fall into the wrong hands accidentally can be detrimental to your business and its reputation. Losing client information is never good.


Old documents may be of no value to your business but information like addresses, bank account details, plans, and even date of birth are valuable to frauds. The amount of old documents many businesses have makes finding and destroying valuable trade secrets and important information difficult, and easy to mess up. You can be confident your businesses documents will be totally and securely destroyed by using a NAID-approved document disposal service.


Deleting files and formatting drives is not secure digital document disposal. Files can leave traces even after drives have been overwritten. The only guaranteed way of secure disposal of digital documents is to totally destroy the physical drive. If you are disposing hard copy documents yourself, burning them is best to avoid reconstruction which can happen with basic document shredding.


Every business receives junk mail, whether it’s spam emails or physical letters. Usually we just ignore them and move on but it’s important to block spam email addresses and permanently delete emails so the same one cannot send more fraud or viruses to you. Physical junk mail such as fake notices requesting payments or other personal information can be dealt with in the same way as other paper documents, if you want to recycle the paper you can just destroy the address, however it may be best to destroy the whole letter.


Secure document disposal will help keep your business protected. Document disposal services and these simple things you can do will make sure your business isn’t affected by fraud or accidental leaked information.

contact us at iShred Document Destruction for more information.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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