Stay Secure with Mobile Paper Shredding

Mobile paper shredding
What’s the best way to stay safe? Take advantage of mobile paper shredding – secure shredding without needing to leave the office!
With data security being so topical at the moment, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of just how valuable their personal information can be, and mobile paper shredding can offer the perfect solution.
Unfortunately, the effects of what can happen when a person’s personal information falls into the wrong hands are becoming more and more apparent – identity theft, fraudulent activities and personal banking details increasingly dramatically over the last few years.
There are also strict Privacy laws that govern the storage and secure destruction of these pieces of client information, and a breach of the Privacy Act 2012 can incur penalties of up to $1.7 million dollars.
Across the world, the best practice is onsite or mobile paper shredding. This ensures that not even a single piece of information leaves your premises in a readable state, ensuring you comply with all relevant Australian laws but more importantly that your clients’ sensitive information is removed from your premises. This practice gives you as a business, and those conducting business with you, complete peace of mind and an assurance that all documents have been destroyed safely and, above all securely.
A complete document creation, storage, handling and destruction plan needs to be implemented and a key component of that plan is what iShred specialises in. With our main focus being on delivering a high quality, cost-effective and secure service.
Our service is viewable by you, with full uninterrupted CCTV footage, to give you the highest assurance that your documents have been destroyed in the securest possible way. At iShred, our mobile paper shredding service is customisable to your specific needs.
You can also rest assured that you will be doing your part for the environment, with a guarantee that we recycle 100% of the paper we shred.
For more information and a friendly no obligations chat with one of our friendly experts, please feel free to contact us on 1300 763 688 or visit our website at

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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