

Privacy is all too important in this day and age. With the free flow of data and media, our information is constantly circulating; leaving us vulnerable to pesky things such as targeted advertising, but also to more sinister activity such as identity theft. But shredding paperwork and hard copies of documents does not completely eradicate the existence of unshareable data and tangible items. That’s where we come in, with your business always in mind, to help you thrive by avoiding theft.

One unique service that we offer is uniform destruction. Many do not realise how significant and how necessary this specific service is, but essentially it helps minimise the unauthorised use of uniforms which allude to power and knowledge. Likewise, uniform shredding helps eradicate fake clothing. We can shred a whole variety of uniforms, namely: those in emergency services, corporate attire, military uniforms, unauthorised counterfeit clothing, and security uniforms. Uniforms often lie around not being used or become out of date when a new design is introduced.

Moreover, we need to protect our digital data, which nowadays contains so much of our digital footprint. It provides people with an outline of exactly who we are: our interests, hobbies, purchasing history or emails. Without any trouble at all, we can destroy mobile phones, USB drives, CDs and DVDs, tapes and other evidence of voice recording, and older hard drives. We make this process as simple as possible for our customers. All you have to do is give us a phone call. We will drive over to your business location and eliminate your at risk electronic digital media.

We can finally help you veer away from traditional, small office shredding machines. This process, when done my amateurs, leaves the business just as vulnerable as if the data had been sent around to all of the businesses’ members. Ishred can help you with any shredding solution you may have. Contact Us here.

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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Protecting yourself from Identity Theft with iShred

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