
Redundant Product Destruction – Out with the Old

When change happens in business, Redundant Product Destruction becomes an essential part of moving forward.

If one thing is certain… it is that business is never certain! Some things grow and others don’t. This is when you need redundant product destruction to maintain integrity and security.

An exciting move forward for any company also comes with a whole lot of housekeeping that is often not considered. iShred can make that process a lot easier with a comprehensive and secure redundant product destruction service.

Redundant Product Destruction

Brand refresh

Have you recently undergone a shift in corporate branding? If so, you’ll most likely have outdated products and stationery with obsolete branding on them, such as business cards and promotional material.

Choose to dispose of these safely and quickly with a professional document shredding company that comes directly to your door.

Staying secure

The last thing you want it surplus company products and materials being used with bad intentions. Imagine what a dishonest person could do with official company stationery such as envelopes and letterhead if they put their minds to it.

At iShred, we’re all about preventing these scenarios from ever happening. NAID-approved with state-of-the-art redundant product destruction equipment at the ready, your business’ security is in good hands.

Not just paper

Whether you’ve rebranded, or have stock and uniforms no longer being used by staff for any reason, you should never overlook non-paper items. Yes, iShred shreds old uniforms, as well as e-Media products and devices.

Obsolete uniforms have been at the centre of security breaches many times in the past, in companies all over the globe. Don’t let your business gain fame for something so disastrous!


It’s time to get rid of all the old stuff you don’t need or use anymore. Offices and warehouses all over Melbourne are hoarding stashes of redundant products that should be destroyed as soon as possible to ensure the integrity of the business.

Contact iShred today to book your product destruction service.

Redundant Product Destruction

For your secure document shredding needs, get in touch with the team at iShred Document Destruction today

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