
Professional Clothing Shredding Services

Professional Clothing Shredding Services If you own uniforms that you no longer require, you must entrust a professional clothing shredding service to the task. iShred can provide this clothing shredding service, in a reliable, professional, and cost-effective manner,...

Uniform Shredding in Melbourne

Uniform Shredding in Melbourne iShred is the team to assist with your uniform shredding Melbourne needs. If you own uniforms that you no longer require, it’s important to dispose of them in a secure and manner. iShred can provide reliable, high-quality, and...


EFFECTIVE SHREDDING OF MORE THAN JUST PAPER DOCUMENTS Privacy is all too important in this day and age. With the free flow of data and media, our information is constantly circulating; leaving us vulnerable to pesky things such as targeted advertising, but also to...

Secure Uniform Destruction – Keeping Your Company Safe

So just how important is secure uniform destruction for your company’s identity and reputation? Uniforms are a quick and easy method of identifying members of a company or business. That’s why when employees leave, it’s in the best interest of the company to...